Thursday 29 November 2012

Design in education

Two of my passions are education and design. Here is a nice little article about how the two might come together to build a better future!
"Education provides the foundation of our global possibilities. We design this well, and the whole world changes."

Wednesday 14 November 2012

OpenIDEO: education

I love OpenIDEO. It is an online, open platform created by innovation and design consultancy IDEO to facilitate people from all walks of life and backgrounds to collaborate in solving some of the pertinent social challenges that we face today.
I'm also very interested in education, and the role that technologies might play in facilitating a future of quality, cost-effective and appropriate education for all.
So as you can imagine, I had a great time looking through the OpenIDEO challenge: 'How might we increase the availability of affordable learning tools & services for students in the developing world?'. I hope you find it interesting too!


Monday 12 November 2012

Bear eating toast by Soph Sladen